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Business Management & Leadership Consulting

Does your business need solutions that address your unique needs?

Growing a business requires a vast array of knowledge and skills. I have spent my entire career growing businesses from the ground up.  I have been in management, leadership, and ownership  at all levels, in many industries for over 30 years. This experience of building organizations, integrating systems with intentionality, developing emerging leaders, while defining and meeting strategic goals allows me to work with you in a unique way of looking beyond the obvious to help create solutions that meet your unique needs. 

As every small to mid-size business owner knows, you have to have knowledge about virtually all areas of a company and recognize how those parts work together for a united whole. I’ll roll my sleeves up and get to work with you to meet you where you’re at. 


I believe in application…theory, research, and consulting ‘language’ are important….but what you really need is what works in the hallways…what your employees can contribute to and get behind.   My application based approach means that we listen to voices from across the organization if needed.

Business Women Planning
Women on the Climbing Wall
It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top!

Athletes have coaches…. Performers continue training…. 

Teachers never stop learning. For the same reasons, business owners and executives can benefit from 

a Business Coach. Even the most successful owners benefit from outside viewpoints, ideas, and resources. 


What you get with Business Coaching:

  1. First, we LISTEN to you.

  2. Together, we will develop plans with you to meet your unique needs. 

  3. We are ACCESSIBLE – we are ‘all in’ when we work with you.

  4. We are here to support you, and to assist you in reaching your goals

  5. We believe in ACCOUNTABILITY – to each other – we are as accountable to your progress as you are

Leading Virtual Teams

Are you unsure of how to know that your employees are working effectively and productively when you aren't face to face? Are you tired of boring meetings on Zoom? Do your employees feel isolated and unengaged? Virtual leadership is an intentional CAN lead remote employees in an engaging manner that builds trust, transparency, and collaboration . 

Long before COVID-19, I led an organization through intentional transformation into a virtual organization. Years later, my Ph.D. dissertation focused on Building Trust & Collaboration in Virtual Teams. Let me use what I know and have experienced to transform your virtual experience. 

Strategic Planning.

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Vision. Execution. Alignment.  Using these 3 steps, we will work together to create strategic plans that are actionable and carried out across the organization.  While strategic plans may get developed in the boardroom, they come to life in hallways.  I will work with you and your teams to build strategic plans that stretch you and are attainable. You will have an action plan to follow with the flexibility to shift and move as the environment or industry dictates.

Leadership Development.

High performing leaders are self-aware, they are resilient, and they understand their leadership style. They spend time improving their strengths and they connect with their employees.  My approach to leadership development is two-fold.  The strongest program is one-on-one coaching and group training, but the program can be custom to your needs.  We always  begin with assessments, understanding personality, values, and style. We set professional development goals that align with their supervisors’ goals for them and we actively work toward growth and development in a variety of leadership areas, depending on the specific individual.  

Leaders come in all walks of life, informal, formal, willing and unwilling. We develop leadership skills on the pre-school playground, we learn from watching others, and we develop our own style based on our background, our personality, our experiences, our motivations, and our values.

In this activity-enriched coaching, you will learn the basics of effective leadership, focusing on personal awareness and growth, working relationships, influence skills, and conflict resolution. This course will create a foundation for understanding the challenges facing leaders and for helping the individual improve leadership skills and behaviors with specific focus on their individual traits.

In this coaching, you will learn:

  • How identification of your personal and leadership values and vision translate into efficient leadership

  • How to strengthen your emotional intelligence to effectively manage conflict resolution

  • How to identify your own sources of energy and strategies to avoid energy drains

  • How to develop your personal ‘elevator speech’ to quickly and with clarity, communicate your personal expectations

  • How to delegate the right things to the right people for the right reasons



High Performing Teams. Group workshop using Patrick Lencioni’s, Five Dysfunctions of a Team model to focus on building trust, mining for conflict, gaining committed decisions, relying on each other’s accountability, and collaboratively focusing on shared results.  

Virtual Teams that Work. Using my personal experience in leading a virtual team (long before covid) and my dissertation research on this topic, we explore the best practices for leading virtual teams where trust, reliance, and collaboration exist. 

Working with Personalities. Using Myers-Briggs, enneagram, DISC, Imperative or your assessment of choice, we build a workshop on the foundation of understanding ourselves, our strengths, and our triggers. We move to interactions that help us understand each other in order to work more effectively together. 

Emotional Intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence are more successful in the world. They understand the vital role that emotions have in their life, they recognize and regulate those emotions to better serve themselves. They understand how to accurately read the emotions in others and how to communicate and listen to work together more effectively. 


Change Management. While some say that 70% of change efforts fail, you can be in the 30% that succeed. Understanding why organizational change initiatives fail is as important as learning how to effectively lead change. In this course, we will study the activities and strategies that lead to effective change implementation as well as the psychology of how change and transition impact individuals internally.  using William Bridges, Transition model, and Cheryl Benedicts, Wisdom of Transition: Navingating Change at Work, we recognize the signs of impending change, we study the impact of change on our organizations and people, and, most importantly, we understand the psychology of transition and how to help lead people through change and transition.  

In this course, students will learn:

  • Why change initiatives fail.

  • Elements of successful change strategies

  • Processes and communication plans to align organizational change initiative.

  • Interpersonal factors that exist in change initiatives.

  • How to lead people through their fears and anxieties to be real advocates and champions of the change initiative.


Entrepreneurial Workshop Series:

Creating & Executing Strategy [tools and templates to create strategic plans that can be easily managed]

Finding More Customers Like Your Best Clients [using data & your experience, grow your prospective customer  base]

Pricing Strategies [identify your current strategy and experiment with other strategies]

Process Flow [90% of the time we blame problems on people when the truth is that 90% of the time, there is a process problem]

Inventory Management [tracking inventory can be quick and accurate]

Finding Entrepreneurial Balance [avoid building a business that takes control of your life]

Female Lawyer
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